Experienced Physical Therapist with a Doctor of Science (DSc) in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, and distinguished history of working in outpatient and inpatient physical since 1991. Board Certified in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Board Certified in Electro-diagnostics, Certified Hand Therapist, Physical Therapy EMR Software Developer (www.iam-pt.com), Instructor/Adjunct Professor, and Public Speaker. Strong entrepreneurial professional with three outpatient clinics in Midland and Odessa Texas
Professional Employment
Paradigm Physical Therapy & Sports Science Center
Odessa (main office), Midland, Monahans, Texas, 1995 – Present
Physical Therapist/Owner
Interactive Advanced Medicine (iAM)
developing a software program for physical therapy use
Odessa, Texas, 1995 – Present
US Patent (US 8046241B1)
issued October 25, 2011 for Computerized Pain Assessment Tool (ComPAT).
Odessa College
Odessa, Texas, Jan. – May 2009
Lab instructor for anatomy and physiology
Odessa Jackalopes Professional Hockey Team
Odessa, Texas, 1997 – 98
Team Physical Therapist
The Texas Institute of Sports Medicine
Midland, Texas, 1992 – 95
Physical therapist/partner
Midland Memorial Hospital
Midland, Texas, 1991 – 92
Chief physical therapist
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), 2007-2008
Doctor of Science (DSc) in Physical Therapy, 1999-2007
Master of Science (MSc) in Physical Therapy, 1998 – 1999
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
Bachelor of Science (BS) Physical Therapy, 1989 – 1991
University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Arts in Biology (BA), 1988 – 1989
Board Certified Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Specialist, 1998 – Present
Certified Hand Therapist, 2001 – Present
Certified Wound Specialist, 2009 – Present
Advanced Cardiac Life Support, 1992 – Present
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey, Provo, Utah, September 1999
Walk to Emmaus, Christian development program for family and community, July 1999