Hip and Sciatica Relief
You don’t have to live with hip or sciatica pain. Our Physical therapists have helped many patients achieve remarkable hip outcomes and can help you too.
What Causes Hip Pain?
Hip pain can be caused by a variety of factors, and it is important to get to the root of the problem in order to properly treat it. Some patients report experiencing sudden onset hip pain for no apparent reason, while others attribute their pain to repetitive movements such as running or participating in sports. Additionally, arthritis is a common culprit behind hip pain, as this condition impacts the ability of the joint to support weight and perform at its full capacity. Those who are affected by hip pain may find that daily activities like walking, getting up from a chair, or climbing stairs become increasingly difficult.
To treat this condition effectively, many patients turn to physical therapy. Physical therapists can help by working with patients to strengthen the muscles around the hips, improve their range of motion, and improve their overall mobility. By addressing these key areas, patients can better manage their hip pain and continue living their lives without limitation. So if you are struggling with hip pain, don't hesitate to seek out professional help in order to find relief and enjoy a high quality of life.
Causes of hip pain can include:
- Arthritis
- Hip Bursitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscles strains
- Fractures
- Labral tear
- Hip flexor strains
The best way to avoid hip pain is by recognizing the signs and symptoms of a possible injury. if you experience any doubt or discomfort in your hips, then seek professional medical attention as soon as possible so that further damage can be avoided.
What Is Sciatica Pain?
Sciatica is the term used to describe pain along the path that the sciatic nerve takes from your lower back down each leg Sciatica usually presents on one side of the body, starting in the lower back and traveling down one leg.
Sciatica is typically accompanied by:
- Lower back/leg pain
- Numbness/tingling in the buttock, thigh, leg, or foot
Did you know?
In the state of Texas you can be evaluated by a physical therapist without a referral from your physician or healthcare professional. Patients can be seen for 15 days without a referral.
Skip the Referral!
Patient-Centered Physical Therapy Services
We provide high-quality outpatient services for people living throughout Odessa Midland, including those who are suffering from orthopedic injuries or chronic conditions affecting the hip and causing sciatica.
How Physical Therapy Can Help Hip and Sciatica Pain
Hip Pain
If you've been recommended by your doctor to undergo physical therapy, you're in good hands. Early intervention is critical when it comes to hip injuries. Physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles around the hip joint and improve range of motion. This can help to prevent further damage to the joint and reduce the risk of future injuries. Physical therapy may also be recommended after an injury has occurred to promote healing and prevent future problems.
Physical therapists usually start by examining your strength and range of motion, checking your balance and functional abilities (like walking and stair climbing), asking you about your goals, and then coming up with a customized treatment plan to relieve your hip pain and restore your mobility.
Physical therapy treatments for hip pain may include:
- Strengthening exercises
- Gait and balance training
- Joint stabilization
- Ultrasound
- Electrical stimulation
- Home exercise routine
Physical therapy works through a series of treatments, exercises, and techniques to focus on correcting your movement patterns with the end goal of decreasing pain, inflammation, and improving function.
Sciatica Pain
Physical therapy, exercise, and lifestyle modifications are the initial steps in relieving pain related to sciatica. Treatments/Techniques for sciatica may include:
- Strengthening exercises
- Nerve mobilization
- Joint mobilization
- Functional movement retraining
- Gait training
If you are suffering from sciatica, physical therapists may be able to help. They will prescribe a combination of various types of manual and/or soft tissue mobilization therapies as well as exercise programs specific for each patient based on their underlying cause or diagnosis along with how much pain they feel comfortable experiencing at any given time during treatment.
Why Choose Us?
We believe that physical therapy is a crucial component to your overall wellness. With our team of certified specialists, we help patients achieve their individual well-being goals by improving movement patterns, muscle balance and strength, as well as increasing flexibility and range of motion.
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